A Wasteful Day

Have you ever felt like nothing is really worth it? Like life is going to continue and it is going to die. The Earth is going to continue to rotate and revolve around the sun. The clock will continue to tick away, but even when the batteries stop, time keeps moving. Sometimes when nothing adds up and everything feels like its falling out of place you just want to quit.

It is times like these when a wasteful day comes in handy. I am sure most of you know what I mean, that day when you do nothing except those few things in life that can make you forget the messed up crazy world you call home. Imagine running until you faint, but when you wake up the sun is warming your face and you have forgotten where you are. Or why you are there. Should life be about forgiveness? Or maybe about grudges?

The people who are quick to forgive lose their independence, they get walked over. Yet it is these people that will forever have people surround them. Is it worth it when such "friends" will drop you faster than a hot stone for something better? But yet if you wait around for them to apologize or speak up then you might never get the chance to tell him (or her) how you really feel. However, this also has its faults.

Don't hide behind the past because you are afraid of the future. It will come whether you want it to or not, so you might as well live every moment, and like a swing in baseball(or softball) follow through because if not you're sure to miss the stands. And what would you be with out those fans?

Everything will change, don't rot your brain waiting around for it. And every now and then... enjoy a wasteful day.
March 14th, 2012 at 11:29pm