Missing Writing

To be honest, I miss writing deeply. I used to sit on Mibba and write and read all day and all night. I'm not quite sure when it stopped, but I miss my imagination. I miss my ability to mold words into something. I miss my hopes and dreams that weren't hopeless. Now I'm always sad. I think I was sad before, when I was on Mibba, but I wasn't corrupt. I was innocent and bullied. But now, I have become the bully, and I've hurt myself more than I have ever been hurt before. I've done things I shouldn't have ever done, and I have hurt people who don't deserve to be hurt. I want my flowing imagination and ideas for stories and the will and determination to finish them. Because I used to be a damn good writer. I honestly don't care if anyone reads them anymore, I just want to be a writer again. I hate writing now. Why? I don't know. I'm not good anymore. It's hard for me. I hate it so much.
March 16th, 2012 at 12:55am