Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Is this actually true, do words not hurt us? Surely they don’t we don’t have any physical scars so they haven’t hurt us, right? No just because we can’t see the wounds doesn’t mean they are not there. If I take my eyes off my laptop does it mean it is not there? No, it doesn’t. Look deeper, there will always be scars even though they may be covered up or buried deeply doesn’t mean they are not there. Be one of those people who stop and look and I mean really look, don’t cause those wounds because there are enough people to fill that position.
I have always wondered how we as people can be so insensitive about others, there are some who care about people and even people they don’t know then there are people who practically couldn’t give a shit about other people’s feelings and opinions. It actually frightens me, how can people we know be like this, so oblivious to others? How can they be so vicious or hurtful and not realise it? So I ask you this what did society do to change once innocent babies into these shamefully ignorant human beings? Well, to be fair there are many ways; from being used to being neglected to being at the mercy of stero-typing, peer-pressure and emotional blackmail. I wonder why people don’t stop this from happening, it it because we are all so wrapped up in our own problems that we don’t consider anyone else’s or is it that we don’t want to look and see the ugly truth of the world?
So next time stop and look. Look and see what really is happening.
What can you do to stop it?
March 16th, 2012 at 10:00pm