
Love isn't finding someone who is perfect or meets every characteristic in the list of high expectations most love story create. No love is not finding what society would call your soul mate, or finding someone that makes everyone jealous.

See, love is finding someone that makes your heart skip a beat, or sends the butterflies in your stomach into overdrive, someone who invades every thought and drives you crazy. But at the sametime make you so mad, and angry you want to cry, drive you insane with worry, or hurt you worse then a stranger.

Some of you are probably saying 'Well if they hurt you that bad then they don't love you' Well in some this maybe true, but in others; love doesn't guarantee they wont hurt you, they may not mean to hurt you. Ask yourself this, has a family member ever hurt you accidentally or otherwise? Does that mean they aren't your family or that they don't love you? No that just means they made a bad choice, the wrong choice.

The way I see it love is hard, difficult and strenuous but it's also fulfilling, joyous and one of the only pure things left in the world.

Love isn't finding the perfect person, its finding someone you know had flaws and the see yours but you look them and love them anyway because the flaws aren't the only piece to them, and in you eyes they are perfect the way they are, even if they don't see it.

So find someone that changes your life, and brightens your day, not someone who changes you relationship status or impresses your friends.

Go out and embrace the purity of love, sometimes you might get hurt, you might be heartbroken but the best things in life are worth the risk, don't let fear stop you from living <3 xo
March 17th, 2012 at 12:29am