holy crapnozzles: haven't been on in A WHILE;

Sunday Morning
^ so just for kicks,
i'm going to 'whore' out mein story. it just reached 86 readers, 22 subs, and 16 comments.
remember when i had like 2 subs? amateur times.

Ah, anyway, haven't been on at all in a week or so :\
Been busy with school and my family.

Me and Liam had another fight again.
i can't, for the life of me, even remember what it was about.
strange huh?
oh well.
i'm going to his house today to apologize. be the bigger man and all, even though i don't want to be better than him, but maybe he'll forgive me easier if i see him first you know? he's a stubborn little boy sometimes c: it's kind of cute sometimes too :3

i need some good slash fics to read. got/know any?
March 17th, 2012 at 07:09pm