The week from hell.

This week has been one of the most emotionally draining weeks of my life. I wasn't sure if I was suppose to be happy or sad. I've decided the emotion of the week is hurt and lost. I found out I was going to be an aunt again. My older brother and his girlfriend just found out she's pregnant. (good news) Then I found out my Uncle Dennis was in the hospital and they didn't think he'd make it (bad news not done with it) Then my boyfriend, of a year and half, and I broke up (bad news) My niece turned 2 the very next day (good news) then my uncle dies (bad news) started my new job (good news) then Phil (ex bf) and I hang out and Idk how I'm suppose to feel or act around him. Like what do you say, you broke my heart but I did the same thing to you in a way? (mutual breakup for things other then it wasn't working) Then I go to the wake the next day to see my Aunt and family. My grandma is a total bitch (excuse the language) Like she really hates me, like no lie she hates me because of who my mother is. Like really? It's not my fault blame your son. But my grandma made me feel like I was a worthless piece of shit and it didn't help my week. Then at work everything kept spilling on me! It sucked. This week was one of those weeks where I just want to stand in the middle of my lawn look at my sky as it rains and just ask "why me?" So I know everything is suppose to get better and that all this is suppose to make you stronger but my god maybe spread it out over more then 5 days! That is all. What would you do if your week was like this? Because all I want to do is crawl into my bed and not move.
March 17th, 2012 at 10:34pm