Busted. Broken. Burdened.

"when life gets the hardest you find out who your real friends are"

This week had been so crazy. Last Sunday I broke my six inch heels and feel, pulling a ligament in my foot and braking a toe. It hurt but I managed to make it through the day.

Monday I was running in P.E. class and I fell AGAIN on my ankle, this time completely tearing the ligament. I went to the school nurse and she sent me home to get an X-Ray. I got crutches and that was no fun.

Tuesday I stayed home and let my foot rest when I was met my a HUGE spicket. Man those things can jump! Of course, I couldn't walk so what was I suppose to do? I hid under the blanket and stayed there for about an hour hoping it would go away. It did. Finally! My dog started barking at the wall and I was amused until I decided to google "why do dogs bark at walls and air?" Google told me that dogs can sense paranormal activity. Now I am scared that a ghost is going to try and kill me in my sleep.

Wednesday I stayed home again. I watched a couple movies. FIrst I Watched Marley and Me and I CRIED! A LOT! Then I cuddled with my dog because he is just so cute. Then I got stupid and watched a paranormal movie. Yeah, safe to say "The Nightmare at the End of the Hall" not a good movie to watch after your dog barks at a wall. I got no sleep that night.

Thursday I went back to school. My teacher yelled at me cause I only had one shoe on. I couldn't get a shoue over my brace. So I rolled around in a wheelchair all day. I will never trust my friends again. I Was ran into so many walls that I think we broke the wheelchair. My friend thought it would be funny to run me through a crowded hall way; swerving through other studentsand screaming "crip on board". Then my boyfriend broke up with me, over the phone. Yeah I know, LAME! But whatever! TEAM SINGLE!

Friday I stayed home again because my foot had swelled up again. Probably my friends ran me into the wall so many times. But I swear, everytime I went to the bathroom there was a damn stink bug on the bathroom floor. I flushed it, and it kept coming back! It was like a giant attack of stink bugs.

Saturday I was feeling a little better but I spent the entire morning studying and cleaning the house. I HATE CLEANING! Then I had to go practice with my band for two hours. Our guitarisy had to leave early so it kind of didn't go super well. Then I went home and cleaned the house some more. I went out to pizza hut with my mom and her boyfriend. Our waitor was SO cute! Oh then when I got home my friend went to a concert and skyped me the entire time so I could watch. I am still not sure who was preforming but they were good.

So far today though, I woke up, ate breakfast and typed this journal entry. OH and I responded to some comments on my first poem I posted. :) I love it when people like my writings.

Have a wonderful day everyone. <3
March 18th, 2012 at 02:52pm