needing some advice people

Okay, wanting some advice. My life, from the outside would seem pretty good, I have a "nice" family, genuinely good friends and my grades and marks have always been good and I'm a 'hard worker'.
But I have lots of personal problems, one, is an eating problem that only a few of my friends know about, none of my family do, not even my sister, and I tell her everything.
When I first went to school, everything was normal, I used to eat but one day I just found myself not wanting to, I thought it was nothing but it continued, now it's at the point where even if I'm hungry I will continue to only eat around the outside of an apple (and that's only because I have to, if it was up to me I wouldn't bother)
But when I get home my mum always gives me LOADS to eat, I talked to her about it the other day and said I just couldn't eat all of what she gives me and could she downsize it a bit. She did a bit but it's still a lot, and whenever I eat it it makes me feel ill, it makes me feel angry with myself and I hate it, I hate eating a large amount.
I would ask my mum to downsize it even more but she's very VERY controlling and she'd get suspicious and start asking questions, she cannot find out about my eating problems.
I also hate eating in front of people, I feel like a pig and if I make a mess I feel disgusting. But I'm HONESTLY not underweight, I'm slightly overweight, and that's not just my evaluation of myself, I really am.
I don't know what to do any more, if anyone can give me advice, or tell me what's wrong with me I'd be really glad of the help.
March 18th, 2012 at 04:46pm