mad house

Hey all my readers miss me? Well I've missed my get away from home. I can normally handle my dad and his fucking moods on a normal day but today is mothers day so for some reason dad thinks this gives him more power to order me and my prick off a brother around a bit more then normal to be honest he might as well be wearing a cape and a crown cause he's acting like he's king of the world. Any what's happened today is I've been up all night in pain so I'm tired and not in the mood to deal with dad's bullshit, my brother being the little annoying prick that he is has a had a fight with my dad so it's left to me to be the good child and dad loses his temper with me so I don't want to be anywhere near him today cause I'm not in the mood to deal with him, my brother is ignore me because he's playing his game on his computer and it's really hard to tell him to fuck off. So I'm staying out of my dad's way and he keeps shouting at me and telling me i'm the worst daughter ever. Thanks dad love you to not like I'm already feeling upset and angry but thanks for putting the cherry on top of the cake full of shit. Another month were people seem to be total dicks to me have I done something to cause such shitty karama or are people just dicks hmm well seeing as I've been born and raised in stevenage it's more likely that it's people are just dicks. I know I'm being moany and depressive I'm trying not to but people don't seem to try and help with giving me a reason not to moan. Dad says to me 'what are you going to do when you have kids? not like you can just dump them on me and your mother?' erm yeah dad you've called me a bad daughter what kind of planet are you living on if you think you can say shit like that to me and still think I'll even talk to you when I've moved out cause as soon as I'm gone that's the last you'll ever hear from me. I can get along with my mum sometimes but when dad's in a mood like he is now I just want to stay away from him cause when I try to stand up for myself I somehow become the bad guy and mum wants me to say sorry to my dad when I've fuck all. I need to get out of this mad house.

Thanks for reading my moaning I'll try and be more happy in my next journal please just bear with me :) thanks hope the day is treating you all well.
March 18th, 2012 at 07:51pm