Heard of Skins?

I'm in the mood to procrastinate so I wanted to know, has anyone heard of the show Skins? The british one, not the crappy US version (not trying to be rude, but it was pretty crappy)

I'm seriously in love with it. I doubt half the things that happen on the show could happen for real at all. But there's just something about it. I spend all my week trying to figure out what will happen on the next episode.

I wouldn't want any of those people as my friends but they have their moments. I sometimes think of it as pure fiction because of the impossibility of events and then I can relate to what some character is going through.

If you're not familiar to the show I will explain. Skins is divided into 3 generations so far. Each generation gets 2 seasons and about 10 episodes each. It takes place in Bristol, England and follows the life of teenagers under unreal circumstances. Some of the main elements on the show are hardcore partying, sex, drugs and drinking.

I'm really not making this show justice. You would have to check it out to fully understand what I'm taking about.

Anyway, this is a show I seriously recommend so if you're looking for something new to watch try it out :)
March 19th, 2012 at 12:06am