March 19th 2012

Ok so it's my first time doing anything like this, and i'm not really sure how to do it so go easy on me.

So today started out extremely boring, I had to write current event essay for English. I'm the type of person that does better when i write last minute. Don't get me wrong i do all the research beforehand. Though it may be that i just like to procastinate... alot.

Anyways fastforward to after school, i am so excited for thursday. My friends and i dicussed the details for going to see Hunger Games at midnight. For those of you who don't know what that is it's a novel set in the furture were one boy and one girl from 12 different regions are made to play in a game to the death. The movie comes out on the 23rd, and it's going to be awsome.

Also, my school's club dance is this Friday with black lights and the whole works. I'm going to wear white and lots of neon!!!

Just to let you guys know this is more for me than anyone else, so if you have hateful comments please refrian.

Thanks Lots
March 19th, 2012 at 10:43pm