Unexpected Care

So on Wednesday during school in my 6th hour class my teacher and coach asked me if I'd be at practice. I thought it was weird that she'd ask because I'm always at practice. I thought about it and then answered that I'd be there not even thinking to ask why she'd be asking. So at practice she had all the other girls go warm up and when she was dismissing them she asked me to stay back. I instantly freaked like what the HELL was going on. Why would coach wanna talk to me. Imediatly I thought of the worst and that she caught me smoking or something. I mean I'm only a manager, but I still signed the same agreement as all the other girls. And I didn't wanna get kicked off the team cuz that would mean being at home with mom and dad. So anyway me and the two other managers kinda stayed back with Coach Mo, Coach H, and Coach B while the rest of the girls cleared out and she asked the other managers if she could steal me for a second. My heart sank. I wanted Paige to stay with me. She's always been the one friend I lean on most for moral and emotional support. And at that moment my emotions were going crazy. I was shaking and my heart was pounding. I was freaking out and just like so out of it. Then I got super nervouse, but also a bit releaved when Coach Mo asked the two other coaches if she could steal me from them too. I didn't reall wanna be one on one with Coach just because I was nervouse of what she'd bring up and that there'd be no way around it. Then she asked me to take a seat in one of the desks and get comfy. I was a little less nervouse, but still nervouse enough that I began to massage over one of my rissen SI scars on the inside of my arm.
She made me freak the EF out when she started talking. She was like "As you know I'm good friends with Lisa" (my 2nd mom sinse i was like 2 and the one person I tell everything) "and we were talking last night and she asked me to watch out for you when she couldn't." I kind of smiled just because i knew I should expect Lisa to be all worry bug for me. but then she asked me something that hurt. it wasn't really a bad hurt it was more of an ache that someone other than Lisa cares. she was like, "so, sweetie. what's going on?" and she pointed directly at the arm that had the scar I had been playing with on it. I kinda shrugged and said life. then gave her a breif and very mercy explaination of my life and why i'm so fucked in the head. After all the talking and stuff she told me that if I ever need someone to talk to that she's there. and that maybe she won't be able to help, but she's able to listen.
The thing is though that I've been on edge around her since. I've felt so numb, but also so full of emotion. It's like this love that i've never felt before and i don't really know how to deal with it. I mean i know what love feels like, I just wasn't expecting it to come from her of all people. I don't know what to do now. Like i totally appreciate that she's there and that she loves me, and that she wants to try and help. But like I totally can't get close to people because people hurt others. that's just how we are. and i don't wanna come off as rude by not like talking to her.... I'm super confused in life right now.... :/
March 20th, 2012 at 06:03am