
From one extreme high, to a pretty shit low.

My last entry I Love You, I sent to my boyfriend. Yeah it was through Facebook, hell no was I going to txt that thing to him, his phone was in repairs anyway he wouldn't have got it. Anyway, he never let me know that he had read it.

For me, telling someone how I feel, is like pulling my intestines out with my own teeth. It's hard.
A simple "thank you babe, that was nice." would have been appreciated.

When after I asked him if he read it, "Yeah I did. What you doing?"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh hell no you did not just say that.

Jeez. Then he just called me, asking if I was angry at him for that. Angry? No. Upset, and feeling a little dumb? YES.

Then when I tried telling him about the progress I made with my sister, which is extremely important, he decides to change the subject to "I think we're on our way to a better relationship."

Are you kidding me?

You male drive me insane. And I can't believe you just quit your job on the second day. No we may not hang out tomorrow. ARGH.

MUST SMOKE. NOW. Oh -_- I just realised, I could just take the laptop outside and have a ciggie. Man I'm dumb. ALL THIS TIME.

Anyway. My sister actually spoke. She admitted she needs help, that she's lost. It's just unfortunate that she said she has nothing to ground her. I would have hoped that it was her son keeping her grounded. Oh well. She said getting a new car was first on her list.
March 20th, 2012 at 11:56am