The Remarkable Chocolate Bar Essay (MADE UP)

In a world where people are often pushed to the point of getting a quick snack to go, companies have developed products in order to get their share of the market. It is here where the public faces the challenge of which brand to choose leading probably to a very convenient product in terms of taste and portability or the pain and suffering of having chosen the wrong brand. As the reader may have seen, there are many brands in the snack market today. In fact, they are so many that usually getting to choose just one turns out to be a very long and stressful process. Among all of those products there is one snack that stands out from the others, it is the Kit Kat, the best chocolate bar of all time because not only they are made using natural flavours or being them popular but also because they are backed up by one of the biggest companies of the snack industry, Nestle.

First, most of the ingredients used to produce Kit Kats are taken from natural sources, making this chocolate bar a natural product which leads to the next point. This is the fact that natural products are a healthier approach from companies appealing to most people, more exactly children. However not only children will benefit from Kit Kat being a natural product, but also this fact will made of this chocolate bar a very attractive option for vegetarians and people looking forward staying fit.

The popularity of Kit Kats has grown at incalculable rate; this might be due to the fact that this chocolate bar has the special feature of being a “portable” snack, since it fits into a pocket without sacrificing taste or size. Also people love having a wafer cookie covered with delicious chocolate. Granted, many brands promise a wafer cookie covered with chocolate, but none are able to compete against the quality and taste of the chocolate used in the Kit Kat chocolate bar. Finally, according to Statistics Canada, nine out of ten children prefer the Kit Kat chocolate bar over any other products, including and not limited to the Kellogg’s Cereal bars.

Kit Kats are produced, distributed and backed up by Nestle, one of the most important companies of the snack industry. Nestle is not only known for the Kit Kat chocolate bar, Nestle also produces and distributes many other products well known world wide such as Nestquik and Nestea Iced Tea. Nestle is known as the only snack company to make to the top ten companies with high customer satisfaction rate according to Forbes Magazine noting that Nestle was barely surpassed by computer giant Apple. Finally, Nestle is a well known company all over the world and as proof of that, Ipsos-rei a company specialized in corporate studies and surveys, surveyed customers in over thirty countries and the results showed that twenty-eight out of thirty people knew or had heard the name Nestle before the survey was done.

Taking into account the evidence provided the reader can be assured that Kit Kats are the best chocolate bar not only because they are produced using natural ingredients or its growing popularity, but also because they are produced, distributed and backed up by Nestle, a well known company world wide.
March 20th, 2012 at 04:47pm