Tumblr it up.

Tumblr, my lovely's.

We are here to talk about tumblr.

I am doing some promoting.

I'm doing promo for promo's.

But I find self promotions work the best, so I guess it's actually a self-promotion for a promo?

Either way, I just thought I would give a little shout out, because I am also following EVERYONE back for the rest of the night.

Are you excited? I am. My dash has been so dead, I need a whole lot of more blogs to follow.

But, my url is www.welcomedarlin.tumblr.com

So go there. And follow that sh*t.

I know you want to.

You know you want to.

Okay lovely's. Goodnight for now, my fellow Mibbians!
March 23rd, 2012 at 09:54am