Bad Night..

Alright...So last night (after funeral) went really bad. For two reasons:

One- Ulcers/acid reflex. It's been bugging my constantly lately...But last night was a really bad attack. I took two Nexium (the medicine for that) and it didn't do anything, so I took to tums, and nothing.

I know...That the attack was probably a result from purging so much last night after eating at the funeral, But like I said I just couldn't resist the urge and in the end that happened.

I worried that my ulcers might start bleeding again though, I rather not to see the GI again, because my mom will just get annoyed that she has to take me to ANOTHER appointment, I know it.

Anyway, So it was very hard to focus on anything else, And I didn't tell anyone about the flare so I just went on w/the pain until it stopped, and by the time it did I was so exhausted, I just like passed out I was so tired from it, It might sound stupid but when you have chronic pain it does drain you...I hope that makes sense.

Now, reason 2- It's about chatrooms, here or on anywhere else. I feel that I'm even scared to go into the chatrooms and talk, I don't know how people will react so whenever I do enter them I stay quiet until someone starts to talk to me.

Even at those times I sometimes don't reply, Or I don't know what to reply. Or if I talk I get lost in the conversation when they move on and just...fall out of it and again end up just reading it, and feeling like an idiot for not even being able to handle virtual talking, y'know what I mean?

Also...On another note, Today is the first day for my spring break (I'm in high school by the way) so we have today, and all of next week off with no school- Thank god..I couldn't handle anymore school and breakdowns at the moment.

But, that means i'm also stuck with my family and they like to go places, and drag me along...You know I hate being in crowded places with people I don't know, trying to figure out what they are thinking when they look at me and all that shit...

So, Not sure what's gonna happen this spring break...But hopefully they take a hint and leave me home or something...So I can watch Harry Potter or Michael Myers videos and try to actually keep calm for once, y'know?

One more thing... (Sorry I keep switching topics so much in this entry, there's just alot on my mind) For those of you that read my other entry's, You know about the cousin now right? alright well...

This weekend were driving up to Georgia (that's were my grandparents live) for their 80th anniversary celebration, and so everyone is gonna be there. I'm already in panic mode, Because i'm NEVER comfortable around family events, I feel like i'm going to have a heart attack and so I'm always the awkward one sitting away from everyone else and not talking, even if someone asks me a question, I just mumble out an answer.

and the second reason for panic mode, Is my cousin will be there, I just KNOW he will...and I'm not sure what to see during the time he did that stuff to me, he'd apologize but end up doing it again...So I can't tell what the hell he's actually thinking...

But...While I'm there i'm not sure how he'll act around me, or If I can even be near him without having a full blown panic attack...Should...Should I maybe try to talk to him? what do you guys think?

Even if I should though...I doubt I have enough courage to do so, I'm such a coward when it comes to confronting anyone, about anything whether it be something in school, or when it comes to the cousin, anything I just put me head down and do nothing.

A/N- Also...If you ever listen to the song 'Saviour' (listening to that right now) by Black Veil Brides, it's a close song to my heart (I'm a music junkie, So I listen to alot of bands) but, This is one song that i've cried and fell asleep to..Just thought I'd say how much it meant to me.. I know some of you don't like BVB, but if you don't...that's fine but don't bash them, because there songs do mean alot to some people, y'know? it's not like it's the only band I listen to, But it's one of the bands I really love.
March 23rd, 2012 at 04:51pm