
Hey guys!

I've been thinking a lot about some bullying issues I've seen.

Friend 1 has had to move two hours away due to bullying. She couldn't move anywhere closer, because rumors spread fast and far. Everyone in the towns around us knew her for her "whoring around" and use of drugs. Little does everyone know, bullying and rough home life is what lead her to do these things.

Friend 2 has to face insults and stares everyday. She gets glares, she hears people talking about her, she has people straight up insult her to her face. She layers up to try and hide, she doesn't like crowded areas. These things are pushing her to hide herself, when in reality she is so beautiful.

Friend 3 is trying to become known for her singing voice. She posts her videos on youtube. But people at school do not like her, because she is "Ugly, Greasy, Fat, Annoying and a loser", so once they get a hold of her videos, it's just another thing to make fun of her for. The strange thing is, her voice is amazing. She was so low on herself, she deleted all of her videos. I miss her singing.

All of these girls. They have been attacked by the lies and being forced to believe them. To show my support, I made this video. Please watch and share on tumblr/facebook/twitter.

March 23rd, 2012 at 10:49pm