Stupid rant type thing.

Okay, so like 4 months ago I decided I was not agnostic, I had officially become an atheist. I have absolutely no hate for those who are religious. In fact, religious discrimination is the one thing that pisses me off above all else. The thing is, I can't tell my family I'm an atheist until i turn 18 and move out, so that they can't do anything about it (like forcing me to go to church Sundays and Wednesdays and sh*t). Well, I already have to go to church anyways. I don't go every Sunday, but like twice a month. The church I go to, the people are really nice, so I'm really afraid to tell my group that I don't believe in God. But the entire group Facebook friended me and added me to a chat group. And all of them that are my age post stuff like "Like this for heaven, ignore if you hate God and want to burn in hell for all eternity because you're a terrible, heartless person who worships Satan and is entirely evil in every way, shape and form. :)" and stupid sh*t like that. And the Sunday school leader has been posting stuff like "The Hunger Games is evil and if you watch it you're evil too" (I watched the movie a few days ago and it was kick ass). I just really want to explain to them that that's not true, and I just feel compelled to tell them to stop posting sh*t like that because it clogs up my news feed, but then I'd feel like I'm telling them that they can't express their beliefs, which would make me a hypocrite. I also feel like posting a rant on the group chat page telling them that I'm an atheist and they can't do anything about it, but that would just be an assh*le move. Should I just block their statuses from showing up on my news feed, or should I tell them the truth?
March 25th, 2012 at 09:15pm