Oh snap; Another Journal.

So, with my last journal, I ended with the fact that I had to change my homepage from Google to Bing, which has much better daily pictures.

Because face it: Bing is way awesommer than Google. Is awesommer even a word? It is now.
Anyway. I got stabbed on the leg, and then it got infected. It hurts a whole lot.

I have no clue why I included that. No one probably cares about my first-world problems. Or Pokemon Trainer first world problems, which include Tracey.

Again, most likely no one cares.

Topic of ranting for today: Haircuts done by my mother.

They. Suck. Needless to say, I'm not going out in public for another 6-8 weeks. And I'm not sorry about saying my mother sucks at giving haircuts. Seriously.

Anyway, is it strange for a guy to be listening to Parmore and enjoying it?
I feel strange right now. Like no kidding. Paramore for the last half hour, partly because I don't wanna get up, partly because I'm starting to enjoy it. Another short journal, it looks like.

I have really awkward hands. I took one of those mirror pictures, out of an obligated feeling, and right before deleting it, I noticed my hands are SERIOUSLY awkward. I don't even know where this awkwrdness came from. My parents sure don't have it.

Speaking of parents, my mother gives terrible haircuts. Don't ever go to her for haircuts. Seriously, you'll die of fright when you see your own hair.

Don't do it.

You'll regret it.

Anyway, awkward hands... You know what? I think I'm just an awkward person. That would make more sense than just having awkward hands. Yes, I'm just awkward as a person.

Anyway, that's enough about me. Let's talk about you. Or not. Let's talk about pillows.

Everyone loves pillows. They're soft and fluffy and you can take them to school and people love you for it. Unless you're me. Then they just stare at you awkwardly until the pillow disappears, and even then....

BUT ANYWAY! Pillows are perfect for lots of things, like beating people, or sleeping, or pretending you have a girlfriend/boyfriend with you as you sleep.

So many uses for just one item. I wonder who invented the pillow. I want to reward that person. Or invent the pillow first so the entire space/time continum will collapse in on itself and history as we know it will be terribly flawed in the fact that future me made contact with past me (I plan on doing that), and left an item from the future in the past.

Or, I could just buy more pillows.

I like the first one better though.
March 26th, 2012 at 09:40am