I'm so happy right now! Poem Swaps? Question(s)

I'm really happy right now, because so far, my week has been absolutely awesome. Yesterday I went to the mall with my dad, and then when I got home the greatest thing like ever happened. So, I'm a huge Lonely Island fan, and I don't know if too many of you know that, but I'm in love with them, and as cliche as it is, I love Andy Samberg, not the most of all three, but tons. So, I follow him on Twitter, and yesterday, he followed me back! I was so happy when I saw it, It made my entire freakin day. I can't even explain how happy he made me by doing that.

So, secondly, I want to do a Poem Swap today, because I just want some of my poems read, and I want to read yours! So, I have a few right now, but I need feedback on some. So, there's Flashbacks , which I recently entered in a contest, and I just need to know that it's good, if it is
There's Mom , Beneath Her Smile Lies a Gun, and Dear Jimmy

So, there's those, and I would like to read any poems, also I need to get into some new stories, or at least one. So, if you have anything that you want to recommend, I'll rad a story instead. And in return, you can read one of my stories, instead of poems, if you would like.

So, now that I got all of that out of the way, I have questions for you guys!

-Do you like Andy Samberg? Or The Lonely Island?
-Poems or Stories? Which one do you prefer?
-Someone famous you'd love to meet?
-Have an AWESOME day(:
March 27th, 2012 at 01:08am