I finally decided what to do...contains some good advice too.

I went to see a band called Yashin the other day, at the Underworld in Camden. I went with my boyfriend, who I've been with for nearly 20 months, and who I've been having problems with for a while, and two good friends.
While I was there, I bumped into J from the band I mentioned in a previous journal post, and he gave me some advice, which I think is pretty good, and summed up how I was feeling -
"If the good times are really good, and you couldn't live without the good times in your life, then you should stick with it, no matter how bad the bad times are."
It really made me think..

Then, on the train home, a guy who's name I've forgotten for on the train and sat opposite me and my boyfriend - let's call him D - and proceeded to give us some relationship advice too. Apparently, me and D look like we belong together - incidentally not the first time we've been told that - and he told us that a relationship is like four pillars made up of trust, respect, love and honesty. You have to make sure all the pillars are even before you can put a roof on it. I think that we have a LOT of blocks that need adding before our structure is even.
He also reiterated what J told us, but in a different way.

It really gave me a lot to think about...
I think I've finally come to a decision though.

I think we need to split up...at least for a while.

I don't know who I am without him any more, and I can't remember what it's like to be happy with him. He's so busy at the moment with work that he can't find the time to see me, and it just makes no sense for us to be together at the moment. I'm sad about it, of course I am, but if the time apart will fix us and make our relationship get back on track, I'm willing to sacrifice it for the time being.

Wow, that was a long post.
March 27th, 2012 at 01:47am