my first prom /:

im very nervous for prom

im not a size 0 or 1 like most prom girls are

im not very normal,im very different and they might be all normal yet high society people and i'm not at all

I won't know anyone there not a single soul its a homeschoolers prom but they all probably all are friends from outings n stuff cuz this group is like a homeschooling group or something i think and i'll be the "weird new girl" probably

This will make me miss Memaw and Papa SO MUCH..)': i already miss them constantly and sometimes life is just so unbearable i dont wanna be here anymore

i have to go, cant take the dress back

the music has no vulgarity,cursing,negativity etc i doubt i'll know very many songs at all

what makeup should i wear..?
March 27th, 2012 at 02:30am