Oh hey little children... I have some candy -pedo face-

So, HELLO! I'm Iggi, my real name is BANANANANANANAA. I'm lying. My real name is Homologous Chromosomes! JUST MORE KIDDING. My name, real real real real name is... *looks both ways* Lio! Ooohhhh. and I guess this is just an introduction journal though. I guess I'm just gonna rant about what life... I think I can do that...? I'm not sure. Someone tell me if I can! D: Oh noes! I just love to rant...

Anyways, I'm Iggi. I've been a female for fifteen years. I used to have blue eyes but now I have brown eyes. I Hehehe. If you know what I'm talking about. I have a boyfriend of almost a year. His name is Carlos, but he's a ginger. He's really funny and nice and I really like him. Um, I love to listen to music.

My favourite bands/artists are: My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Bruno Mars, The Ready Set, NeverShoutNever, Joe Brooks (dies), All Time Low, Fun., The Beatles, Bruno Mars, Arcade Fire, Kill Paradise, Avril Lavigne? I can't spell her dang name (dang you Canadians!), um um um um I'm thinking about some more... SECONDHAND SERENADE... um um um yeah and a lot of people I don't remember right now.

I'm not very active, I'm TERRIBLE at sports. The only good things I'm at are rowing and tennis and I'm not even really good at rowing. Anyways yeah! It's really sad.

OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I am good at catching stuff though. Like this one day, Friday, this guy right? He threw a cup at me because he's a bunny butt. So, I did this whole ninja move and my arm shot out and I caught it!!! He looked at me weird and I was like Yeaaahhhhh I just fxcked up your plan!!!!!!!!!!!!! Home dogg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and, I'm really shy in real life. I'm more... eccentric online because I don't see the people who I think are judging me. Trolololol

Lets talk! And, I'm sorry if I scare you. I don't mean to. =(

And Mibba, I did put effort in this if you couldn't tell. -SOOOOOOBBBBSSSSSSS!!!!! AWAHWAHWAHAHAHWAWH!- That's me crying. Awahwahwahwahahahaa... Not really. I'm lying to you.

March 27th, 2012 at 02:51am