Dear College,

College is nothing like I thought it was going to be. No, I don't mean that I hate it, it's just a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I thought last semester was going to be hard, this semester is way harder than the last. Mainly because of my teachers, well mainly just one.

I have this one history teacher who is just getting way too involved in my personal life. A few weeks back my sister and I turned in our midterms and she thought that my sister and I copied each other's work and turned it in. That is not the case. My sister and I are identical twins, our work has always been extremely similar. Pretty much every teacher that we have had together has said the same thing. Even our dentist and eye doctor is fascinated with us. When we were younger the same teeth got cavities and our eyes are both almost the same prescription. Apparently that is an extremely rare occurrence with twins. She even had my mom call her so she could talk to her.

Long story short, my professor refused to give my sister and I credit for the assignment. This professor is really getting too involved with my private life. I can feel her judging my sister and I throughout the entire class and it's giving me massive anxiety attacks. It's getting to the point to where I don't even want to go to her class anymore because of that. Not only is she doing it to my sister and I, but our friend as well. She only comes up to the three of us and starts judging us.

The readings for the class are so hard to follow. I'm used to teachers explaining who these people are in the readings before hand. Not this one. We literally start the reading and we don't have any background information on it. To top things off, they are from the middle of books and the characters have all ready been established.

This teacher is stressing me out to the point to where I can't keep my food down. College is supposed to be fun, and it is, but this professor is just taking things too far and it's making me highly uncomfortable.
March 27th, 2012 at 07:07am