I WILL have my cake and eat it too!!

I promised myself I would give up Skrillex for Lent. I just realized that Lent doesn't start AFTER Easter, it starts before.


Oh well. I like Skrillex too much to give it up. As punishment, my mother is forcing me to go to Mass with her on Sundays. If you've never been to Mass, one is still probably going on somewhere.

I used to have to go to Mass, but then my siblings all grew up and stopped going, so mother figured that it would be futile to argue with me about going or not.

I'm glad she did. I can't possibly win an argument with anyone, let alone my mother. She knows how to get into people's heads. Literally. She's a neurosergeon. If I'm not mistaken, she operates on people's brains, and therefore has some kind of access to drills and those mini saw things.

Yeah, if you haven't guessed by now, I'm kind of scared of my mother. She's not exactly the nicest person on earth. Her idea of fun is sawing someone's skull open. Tell me that's not scary.

You know what sucks worse than the haircut my mother gave me?

The phucking friend-zone.

I hate that.

Yes, I do have enough friends to be friend-zoned. You only need one. I've got like 3, so there. *PTHBTTTTT*

I'll spare you the details, because seriously, I already know that my first world problems are even less valued than my opinion. And my username, for that matter.

Tch. Trolls.

Tch. Tchaikovsky.
March 27th, 2012 at 08:01am