Dear, Readers... (Regarding Subscription, Re-Writes, Updates, Sequels and New Stories).

Since I finished one of my stories, I noticed I had a new subscriber for it.
Which is funny, because that story is finished. I will never upload another chapter for it.

So, if anyone has read my stories, please DO NOT SUBSCRIBE to the following:

•I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream.

•Blessed With A Curse.

• Crazy And Me. (Fornerly known as "Living Like This Is Nothing Like Bliss".)

If you ARE subscribed to any of these, you may cancel your subscription.

You can however subscribe to the following:

• Alice.

• Where We Belong.

• Asleep In The Asylum.

There will be a as-yet-untitled sequel to I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream for those of you who read it. There may also be a back story to the former.

I am currently in the process or re-writing chapter one of Asleep In The Asylum, as user and former co-writer Barbie_Killer has decided to come back on board and help me write it again.

A one shot as been writing and us now in the editing stages. It us called Sing Me To Sleep and is about Jonathan Gaskin and Jamie Nicholls of the band My Passion. Will be posted A.S.A.P
Please do not subscribe, as it will be a one-shot, but may have a sequel, which will be a full story. You will be notified in a Journal Entry or A.N of another story.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to comment either in the comment section below or on my profile.

As always, I am taking requests. So if you would like me to write something for you, message or comment me the details and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I apologise for the length and boringness of this entry.

Please check out my stuff. :)

Thank you for reading.

March 27th, 2012 at 12:28pm