Wondering minds, linking together to get no connection..I'd say they never met.

The things going on in life at the moment are starting to wear me down.
My depression is starting to show again, mom has already told me to take my pills again.
I don't like my pills. I don't like taking those types of pills anyways. I don't want to talk to
anyone, like stranger wise, but then again I think its because when I do talk to anyone that I
know they all seem to enjoy ignoring me. I'm not completely sure if that's the problem or
if its that I don't talk loud enough, or what ever it may be, but to me its like they truly find
what I say completely and utterly unimportant, that my opinion doesn't and never will matter.
So my point is I don't know weather I don't Like to talk to people or rather I don't feel the need
or that anything I say will matter to anyone. Does that make sense? I hope it does because that's
what goes threw my head every time I try to explain it to my self.
Another thing going on is that I think, and this just might be my paranoid mind talking,
I think that most to almost all my friends want nothing to do with me. That I don't matter to them,
and never did. All my old so called 'friends' keep putting words in my mouth, telling me I said this,
that I'm GOING to choose this option, like they know what I'm going to do, or say. When in all
actuality they are almost in the oposite dierection of my thinking process. Which then adds on to
the "I never, and don't matter" thought.
Most of the time with my friends, I've noticed that more then half of them, I don't know their
favorite colors, books, foods, and other simple things like that. Then I also noticed that I don't
really talk alot, which brings me back to the first matter, and then it goes in a circle.
This never ending process hit me hard to day in algebra two class, I was actually doing my
work and was in a semi good mood, then BAM, it hit me, that none of my 'friends' seem to care of
what I think, do, or say. Then I almost ALMOST started to bawl, just a few tears fell, but it was enough
to put me in my place. Now I have a question, has anyone actually read this?
Now here's another, if you've read my other journals? If so, do you care?
Here's a last question, if someone you knew was feeling this way would you help them, or
just shove a bottle full of pills there way, or think its just all in their head and move on with life?
March 28th, 2012 at 06:14am