Dear Diary #2

So I'm in marching band. My mother works at my school, volenteers for every band thing, and lives with me, ie, shes everywhere. And I'm a teenager! What normal teenager wants their parents around THAT much? Not me.
The band is taking a three day trip to Disney this April. I convienced her not to go, she was upset, but she'll get over it.
Now, it's just a few weeks before the trip and the devil (band director, been his name since band camp) told her that he'd pay for her and he really trusted her and how he didn't know who else to turn to.
Shut that up right now! We all know good and well that you can find someone else! The devil is a liar.
This makes my mother feel wanted and of course she accepts! I mean, she feels wanted, and needed!
She starts off saying to me: "You're going to be mad at me..." And you're damn straight I'm mad! When I do in fact get upset, she starts bitching at me!
Back the hell up. Did she not just anticipate my anger? So what's the problem?
So I try to have a civil conversation with her. I ever so obviously don't want her to go. No because I'm doing bad or illegal things, but because I am a normal teenager who wants independace from her. She just tells me she has no choice (um, you definately do, dont give me bull). Then this woman has the audacity to inform me that I "hurt her feelings."
GET OVER IT. I'm not trying to, I just need some space.

PLUS, on top of that stuff, how and I gonna sit next to Bassoon? Not aloud... This blows.
March 28th, 2012 at 05:05pm