Those fake friends...

I really hate those fake friends, who claim that they'll always be there for you, but in your time of need are nowhere to be found, and who ignore your texts/calls/messages, then pop up days/weeks/months later with only a casual "Hi, how are you?"

I really hate those fake friends, who say they're not doing anything when you ask them what they're up to, and who cancel their plans with you at the last minute. What makes it worse is when you go online the next day and see pictures of them out with their other friends, or worse, mutual friends, from the night before. It makes you wonder where your invite is.

I also really hate those friends who disappear the second they're in a relationship, and constantly cancel plans with you to hang out with their other half instead. Then, when said other half inevitably breaks their heart, they come crying to you and try and extract sympathy whilst clawing their way back into your life, only to do it all over again when they meet the next 'love of their life'.

I'm sick of having people like that in my life.
March 29th, 2012 at 03:19am