I don't understand guys sometimes.

So if you've read some of my other journals, I've been talking about my ex-boyfriend a lot. And I realize that it's probably getting kind of annoying.

but, I just don't understand him.. at all.

I think he's been trying to make me jealous, but NO girl is worth me getting jealous over.
he broke up with me so I'm not quite sure why he would try to do this.

I was talking to my friend, and she's been trying to get me out on the line again.. and she thinks she has found the perfect guy. Well I was talking to a friend of mine (who is kind of friends with my ex) about it and she sits by him in her math class. Well not 2 seconds later he's messaging me.

He told me to leave him alone, but he then messages me like he never said any of it..

He has been changing his story as to why he broke up with me (which makes me believe that he doesn't know why he broke up with me)

I don't know, I sit and think about these things constantly. Mainly because I want to know why. it's driving me crazy not knowing. and I'm kind of afraid to ask him..
March 29th, 2012 at 03:38am