would you rather.....

1.if you had a kid, would you rather send them to a daycare, or take care of them at home?
2.would you rather eat a marshmellow or grape jello
3.would you rather wear a short slutty dress with holes and questionable sewing, or speedo's with a fish net shirt (applies to both sexes)
4.would you rather be hit in the face or punched in the stomach
5.would you rather be pretty and hated or ugly but loved?
6.would you rather pick on some little kids or pick on the guy picking on the little kids?
7. would you rather write a poem or a song?
8. would you rather be heart broken or lied too?
9. would you rather listen to rock or techno music?
10. would you rather pluck your eye brows or pull out your nose hairs XD
(i had to write one more) 11. would you rather wear lime green pants or a hot pink tee? (or both lol)
March 29th, 2012 at 06:58am