I found the meaning of life c:

I am currently trying to eat a slice of bread. This usually wouldn't be so hard if it weren't for the fact that I have tonsillitis.

I am clearly a boss.

I am also content with life.

Just thought you would like to know.

This isn't the usual type of shieeet I write.

I made a poem just now.

Everyone I meet is crap
The ones that like indie
And the ones that like to fap
They speak of average
And dream of cleavage
But no, not really
They are too strictly
Unallowed by their brains
To give themselves the freedom from pain
Of sexual repression
That was created by fate.

Everyone I meet is crap
They think they know things
But their knowledge is like Anne on crack
She nods during interviews
And blinks like a raccoon with a 'stache
Which is made from poorly written facts
Including my mother's secret hidden map
On how to hit you people with swag
But I choose a crowbar instead of that.

Everyone I meet I hate
Because they're not me
Or maybe because I'm not them.

Don't worry, I don't really think everyone I meet is crap... I'm just been'a dick. 8D

Bye now.

March 29th, 2012 at 03:46pm