This is not my year.

Since I was a small tyke, my dad has drunk/drank beer from when he gets home at five, until he goes to sleep at eleven. I've never thought anything of it. It was normal, so I thought, because I grew up around it. My parents both smoke and blah blah blah. But they don't act like they do..? It's hard to explain. They try to act all sophisticated and high and mighty but if people really knew them... Ugh.

Anywho, I've never thought anything about my dad's drinking. Ever. Until June 4, 2011. When I became mentally screwed up for probably forever. Thanks Dad.

It happened on a golfcart.

OKAY! I know what you're thinking! A golfcart? What bad can happen on a golfcart?

Mhm. Just hold on.

Dad was like, "Hey Jess, wanna go take a spin?"\
I was like, "Sure,"

So we hopped on this supped up machine and I drove while he sipped his beer. My dad and I have always been close too. He has awful anger issues and I've believed more than once that he was going to actually kill me or something, but those faded more as I grew up.

We drove around in the subdivision next to mine, and dad was like,"Don't slow down when you take a turn! Speed up! Let's drift?" I may have been fourteen but I wasn't an idiot. So I told him off for evenb thinking I would do that.

We came back into our neighbor hood and we were just coasting down this hill, not fast, but not too slow. Just normal. My phone buzzed so I picked it up and told dad to take the wheel, and he did. I finished texting and took the wheel back as we were coming up to the coldesack. Dad let go of the wheel.

Right on the coldesack, dad pushed my hands and feet away, floored it, and turned as sharp as he could.

Now, I USE to know what happened right here, but I have blank spots that usually come back to me randomly. During a the middle of a the shower..just whenever.

My dad's leg turned COMPLETELY AROUND. Like 360. and then it snapped in half. Super broken. I broke my jaw, foot, and burned almost all the skin off my body.(not even kidding)

Somehow I'd walked to someone's house and told them what happened and then passed out. When I woke up, I saw that the ambulance was down the hill, so I started limping down there. My mom met me halfway up and said, "You're dad could go to jail, there's f*cking beer cans everywhere. Who was driving?!" and what would any teen do?! It wasn't my fault. But my dad could go to jail. So I replied, "Me. I was texting and I turned too sharp," Well, I had a broken jaw so I didn't really say it, more like grunted it (;

Well all this crap happened and I went to Louisiana the whole summer, and never said a word to my dad. It royaly screwed me up mentally and physically, and he's FINE. Despite all the surgeries and stuff he had, he's FINE.

s;;jsdagndaf;gdafg. I don't even feel like explaining the rest, because it tires me out. So maybe I'll finish the story another day. I just had to get this out. I wanted SOMEONE to know what really happened. Screw beer and golfcarts.
March 30th, 2012 at 03:05am