Black Veil Brides Concert - 29th March 2012

Okay, so yesterday me and my dad drove out to Leeds, United Kingdom to see the awesome badn that I love with all my heart... BLACK VEIL BRIDES! :D

If you have seen my youtube vlog about it you will have known.

The opening acts were two bands called Reckless Love and D.R.U.G.S. They are both awesome! :) Seriously, check them both out now! Hehe! :3

It was very loud and if you lifted you foot up for one second the vibrations were strong and could be felt :') When it all finished, I was partly deaf for an hour or so XD Haha!

I got a tour shirt! £20! My dad bought it for meh ;)

I arrived in Leeds about 5:30-6:00 ish and we parked and went to Subway for food cause we were mega hungry! :L

Then after subway we went to the queue and waited for half an hour-an hour and went in.

My dad a couple of beers ;) haha, he loves the stuff! :3

We came out at 10:30 or something similar and decided to go to Mcdonalds cause we were mega hungry :'D I don't live with my dad so we drove to my house and ate most of our food on the way. HaHa :P

I got in aorund 12:30 and my dad left straight away. Nobody was up but my mum was awake and came to see me and go for a pee. She went to bed and I got chanegd didn't bother brushing my teeth or wiping my make-up because I was acheing from jumping around and stuff for 7 hours roughly. I then still had my chips so I quickly ate them adn went to sleep. I went to sleep around 12:45-12:50 XD I had school today too and I looked like a zombie walking around :')

This was my first rock concert and I have laods to come including; Blink 182 and (hopefully) Nickleback.

Review of the event;

It was a great experience and I absolutely loved it. Black Veil Brides are my favourite band and the amount of love for them is HUGE! they inspire me and make me believe in myself.

I'd advise you to go to a concert they are FANTASTICLYAWESOME! :3 There was little children there and everything enjoying it so it's for everyone :)

Also, Andy Sixx was wearing no shirt and his skinny jeans kept falling down but not all the way. He licked the microphone several times and licked his hand at some point and rubbed it down his body. He also climbed this pole thing! :D

Someone asked him to "take of his pants" he said "no mothefuckers, it happened once in Utah (i don't know if it's spelt correct) and I got arrested!" Haha, love him to bits! He had short hair! ^_^

So it was a great event ! :D
March 30th, 2012 at 10:43pm