Could Someone Please Make Me A Story Layout?

Ok, can someone please make me a story layout? It doesn't have to be fancy or anything. I just want the picture I already picket out up at the top, and a rich blue color as the background. If you're interested just comment and I'll send you the picture and add you as an author to the story. So, anyone interested? Please? =)

Ugh, stupid word count. Ok, so since I have to write more I'll tell you about my story, It's about a girl who is going to a 'new earth' and is put in hibernation for the four year trip, but her Chamber malfunctions a year before she's supossed to wake up, so she has to face isolation. It's called Leaving Earth if you wanna check it out. Ok, I should have enough words by now
March 31st, 2012 at 12:12am