Oh. My. God. I am such a stalker. [boys and questions!]

I feel like the psycho theme should be playing.

Okay. Maybe I'm exaggerating, maybe not. I can't really decide, but it sure feels like it. Girls, you'll know what I mean. I hope. I've talked about this guy before, in an earlier journal (I would link it, but I'm too lazy to). His name is Trent. That's his codename anyway. Do you want to know his real name? Oh, how I want to share it with you Mibbs. It's not like you'll stalk me right? I always feel like someone I know is going to come across my account or something. Whatever.

I'm kind of paranoid.

Anyway, his real name is Jeremy. I've liked him for... Almost a year now. It's kind of exploding in my face this year. We used to hang out all the time because we were in band together, and since I quit band this year for theater, I've noticed how much I miss him and really enjoy his company. We have a class together and he's always turning around to look at me. Sounds creepy, kind of is (but he's actually quite adorable), but I'm creepy too. We're perfect for each other! Creeps go with creeps. :)

Stalking, stalking, stalking.

Okay. So, ladies, please tell me you get this. When you like a guy, you normally try to find them on your preferred social networking site, right? If no, try it! Facebook stalking is fuuuun. :D Anyways, I tried to find Jeremy on Facebook, but he doesn't have one. Sad face. So, I kind of stalked his friends' pages to find a picture of him or something, and I succeeded today! Happy face. And now he stares at me from my iPod screen. ;D

One question: is that super creepy? Well. I guess I know it's super creepy. I just wanted to talk about my great stalking skillz, yo. Questions?

1. Do you stalk people? Online or otherwise?
2. Does Jeremy's stares sound creepy or endearing? (he usually tries different ways: looking around the room in my direction, actually looking at me, and sits near me)
3. Ah. Love. Anyone you love at the moment?
4. Is it morning or night for you?

Bye, peeps!
March 31st, 2012 at 08:59am