I need a beta...

I'm writing a story that I need betaed.
It's a Frerard. I don't write very often, quite rarely to be honest but I'm hoping maybe by posting it I'll want to update more. I don't get my inspiration very often and sometimes when I do it's just in small bursts.
I basically need someone to check my punctuation, typing errors and I don't know, just look it over and double check for me?
Ooh and I want you to tell me if it's really worth posting 'cause I don't have much confidence in my writing. I want you to be completely honest and not hold back.

I've been not too sure about posting it yet because I don't update very often and I tend to want to change things, names and small aspects that could be confusing.
I have no title ideas or anything, so I'm really not all that ready to post...
I guess I just want to make sure my story is worth posting and not something I work on for ages and then I'm told it's rubbish.

My laptop crashed back in December and I've been using my sister's or my phone. All my stuff was on my laptop so I guess this story was just a idea that's been bouncing about in my head and I got bored so decided to write. It turned out better than expected and I'm due to get a new laptop so hopefully that and the time off school I'll update.

Thanks for reading my useless rambling ;3
March 31st, 2012 at 11:17pm