
Maybe I should try writing in this thing everyday. Maybe one day I'll look back and be able to understand what was going on in this stupid brain of mine,


My life is full of maybes lately.

Insanity is lurking in the back of my mind again. "Again". I say it so naturally, like its all I've ever known. I don't think that's a good thing.

I keep having weird dreams lately. The dream I had on Thursday March 29th hit me pretty hard. Do you remember yet? The dream started off with me realising that I had died. Well, I didn't die just right then at that moment, no. In my dream I had gone through with killing myself in grade 9 (about 3 years ago). Dark times indeed. Instead of having second thoughts(like I did in reality), I went through with it, but the thing is, my soul didn't know I had died. The trauma of sudenly being whisked away from a nice little snug life full of unnessesary bullshit was too much for my soul, so it made a new reality where nothing happened. Nothing, zero, everything went back to normal. I go through with living my little drama filled life when I realise out of the blue

"Holy shit, I'm dead"

I did it!

I'm dead

Holy Shit, why was I so stupid?

The world around me crumbles and i'm suddenly being whisked upwards.
Cliche, right?
I get to this place, It was like the gateway almost. I go to pass on but I'm told that i'm not allowed in. So I sit there, outside the gate and wait for the ones I know to pass through. I feel like a puppy when I see someone I know. I keep them company and comfort them until they are let through.
"I've missed you"
My dream ends with me realising I'm not going to see anyone else that I know.
My heart hurts.
The gates finally open for me and I look up to see everything I've ever loved.
"I've missed you so much"

Reality is weird.
Actually, let me rephrase that.
Life is weird.

April 1st, 2012 at 03:11pm