Have you ever?

I think every now and again….

What would my everyday life be like if I would just build up the courage to tell the guy that I like, “I like you”, what would he say? What would he do?

Why do I let the fact that I have social anxiety get in the way of me trying to find that one person to make me happy?

We talk, we get along and we have fun with one another. He smiles at me, I smile back at him. The one thing that bothers me is, what if I fall completely in love with this crush just as I did the last? I don’t want that to happen because if I cant guarantee myself some sort of life with this person I will be so crushed and lost.

He is that personality that I always wanted, he is that smile that I have always been looking for and he makes me look forward to going to work during the week because I get to see him and talk to him.

I would like for something to happen but I just have to take it day by day and see what happens, so for now all I have are my dreams.
April 1st, 2012 at 03:36pm