About "Watch You Take The Fall"

As of 1st of April 2012, Watch You Take The Fall is now on hiatus (no this isn't an April fools). This is for a number of reasons;
1: I've lost a hell of a lot of readers. If you look at the difference in figures between the first chapter and the most recent chapter, about 75 people stopped reading. Obviously the amount of readers isn't the most important thing, but it would be nice to be able to figure out how to stop that from carrying on until the point where there's no one left reading. At the end of the day, I'm writing it for myself but readers and feedback are a hugely influential factor in the writing process, which leads me on to my next reason.
2: Feedback, or lack of it. I can't read minds, I don't know what anyone's thoughts are about the story and if you're an author, you'll know how frustrating that is. Everyone has their own brilliant ideas and thoughts tucked away, bring them to the table, it would be useful to know where you stand.
3: I don't know where I'm going with the story. I know what the eventual end is, and I basically have that chapter written, but I have no idea how to get there.
4: School, other stories, and a social life (not that I have one, ignore the fact I said that). I'm in my first year of GCSE's at school (massive exams for those of you who don't have them). They take up a massive amount of time, and I'm getting into my main exam period. I need to revise and rehearse and just put 100% into them, because I refuse to fail (even though that may happen.) Also, personal issues. I won't go into them too much, but they're taking a huge strain on everything.
So, I'm taking time off to try and write more. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but hopefully it won't be too long. There is, however, the possibility that I won't be bringing this story off hiatus. It all depends. In the meantime, my other story, Tonight's Our Night, will be updated whenever possible.
Thank you to everyone who's stuck by me and by this story throughout, I hope you'll still be here when (and if) we come back. Stay subscribed, and you'll be the first to know.
April 1st, 2012 at 09:25pm