your a peice of shit!

I hate that you go around making assumptions about people just cause the way they act/dress, or that they talk a certain way. Dont fuckin say that i cut myself, just cause i wear long sleeves in the winter. EVERYBODY wears sleeves in the winter. And dont go around telling people that either, its NOT your secret to tell, and definatly dont tell it if you dont know the whole story behind the reason why. I thought you were more mature than that. Acutally, adults these days dont know a thing at all about keeping their fucking mouth shut, they cant seem to keep them selfs outta other people business. If i wanted my entire family to know that i fuckin cut myself, i would tell them, I dont want all my cousins and aunts and uncles and espescially my dad.. he will beat the crap outta me. well, this is all i wanted to say.. soo i guess thia is good bye.
April 2nd, 2012 at 04:27am