Online Dating Sites: To Use Or Not To Use?

I have been thinking a lot about my social life. Usually, I say "screw it, I'm tired." But I have come to the conclusion that I don't really fit in with people my own age. Supposedly, I am very "old" for my age... I apparently have been from a young age. It's funny to me because I never got to be a hellraiser like my brother.

The friends I do find a fondness for are leaving to pursue higher education, new careers and all that grown-up stuff. I really don't want to admit it, but I am going to miss them a lot. I've grown rather attached to them. But, I guess I should fill the impending void.

This has made me question my social life. Sure, alone time is therapeutic every now and then. But, in my case, it has stunted my ability to interact with other people in a normal fashion. I want to call it a social experiment or exercise. To be honest, I still feel a bit of a stigma in using a dating site. But, there are other things that counteract that. I would feel rather embarassed posting a profile on a site, and then have someone I know (such as a family member) find me on the site and question me about it. There is someone I am friends with, he's older (30-something) who is on the site, I kind of don't want him to know I am looking for any social interaction. He's fun to talk to and stuff, but he's kind of trying to get into my pants at the same time.

To be honest (as always), I hate social networking sites. FaceBook, Tumblr, Twitter. You name it, I will most likely refuse to use it. Considering a dating site makes me question myself.... Am I a hypocrite? Ha ha, well... Yes.

I am kind of on the fence about making an online profile. It gives you a place to see people who share common interests who you may not have met otherwise. But, there are crazies out there. Those sites, and even other people, can't put a warning label on them.

Have you had any good or bad experiences through an online dating site?
April 2nd, 2012 at 05:44am