
I don't know what it is about me. I can never get my work done on time. I always end up makaing some.. excuse. Why do I lie to myself? You're only making it worse for you, Nobody else. Stupid.

What's the point anyways?
Maybe I should do something stupid.
I dunno.

I think of how worried I am about failing , and having to deal with the teachers.
Then I think, why the fuck am I so scared? I guess if you slap a label on somebody they do seem pretty scary.

I've been thinking of some memories lately.

And to the counselor in the middle school i went to Fuck you. When a child comes to you crying telling you that they're being bullied and being told to KILL themselves, you don't say "Well maybe you should be normal" I was 11. Stupid cow. People like you shouldn't be allowed around children.

I don't know.
April 2nd, 2012 at 08:40am