Stalking has consequences. [+questions]

Hi, you may know me as the girl who obviously has no womanly balls to go after what she wants!

Ugh. Some of you may have read my last journal. In fact, if you didn't I suggest you do (it also has questions, you can feel free to answer) otherwise you may not understand this journal. I'll do a tiny recap in the next paragraph.

I like a boy. His name is Jeremy. I thought he liked me. One day, I decided to Facebook stalk him, but  discovered he didn't have one. It was a sad day. Good enough?

Anyway, I've seen him around with this girl - Cecilia - and yes I was slightly jealous, but with good reason. She's pretty-ish. I mean she could look worse (I wish). So could I. I couldn't figure out who she was until one of my friends saw her and told me who she was. So, being the psycho-murderer I am, I found her on Facebook and perused through her wall and what-not to see if any Jeremy related news was there.

Victory! There was not, but that was a month ago.

And here comes the consequences of Facebook stalking biting me in the butt...

I decided to look at her page today. I don't know why, but the idea struck me and I decided to go with it. There on her page is like my crushed soul.  She had a status about how it was official, that they were dating, she had statuses about being in the park with him... It was just like... I'm an idiot.

I can't decide whether I wish I had seen that or not and just remained blissfully unaware. But I guess this does save me from embarrassing myself if I had asked him out. I don't really know what to feel about it. I suppose that I'm okay with it because of the fact that that must be what he wanted, but yet I'm confused about what he was doing to me. Mixed signals galore. 

Whatever, that's all I wanted to share with you guys. I guess we'll move on to the questions:

1. Did you learn a lesson from this journal (correct answer is yes: to take life by the horns, ladies. If I had been sooner, I'm positive he would be dating me)?

2. How are you?

3. Do you hate the name Cecilia? I do. 

4. Any words of encouragement/ enlightenment/ awesomeness?

April 3rd, 2012 at 08:44am