Better late than never +Senior Portrait + Comment swaps

I'm finally seeing the Hunger Games tonight cuz you know, it's free movie Tuesday :)

And I'm seeing it with my sisters and parents. Yes, my parents. I was like... wait, you're actually interested in it? By now most people have seen it and I've already read spoilers, so hopefully it'll still be good for me. No worries, I'm just there to see Liam lol.

I should start reading the book, I read a preview of it and it seems genuinely good! But I'm lazy, what else is new?

I'm offering The World Turns and Stuck In The City for comment swaps. But if you do Stuck in the City, I'd like to swap for the third or fourth chapter on. And if you do The World Turns, well, it's EXTREMELY short, so I'm not expecting a goliath of a response, but do tell me what you like about it, or what you don't like about it.

Most likely though, I won't be able to return comments today, but I'll surely get them up tomorrow or the next day after that. That's a promise :D

And i"m taking my Senior portrait on Thursday. Joy. I don't want to wear anything nice. I want to wear my scruffy sweaters and go makeup less. But the photographers will throw a fit and make me wear something nice or take of my sweater. And well, if I don't look nice, I'd rather look a smidge bit prettier with make up. Only problem is, I don't know how to wear make up! Everyone else has been wearing LOADS of make up. And I feel kind of embarrassed at the fact that I only know how to apply mediocre mascara/eyeliner. Welp.
April 3rd, 2012 at 11:29pm