Why Should I Add You If I Don't Even Know Anything About You?

Hi everyone :)

So tomorrow is the big day where I move into the new apartment! I'm excited, but nervous and a wee-bit sad to leave, but you know, I'm ready to embrace the changes that are to come. Tomorrow is going to be pretty chaotic, we have movers from U-Haul coming to pick our stuff up, then it's a 2 and a half hour drive to London, Ontario.
Today was pretty tiring because I was up and down the place cleaning and packing, packing and cleaning. I found a bunch of old stuff. I love that feeling you get when you find something you've lost, and have been looking for a long time. It's like "O! I remember you! xD"
I've been tired up until now. I just went to the store and bought some orange juice. Ah, good 'ol OJ xD

Also I guess you're wondering why the title is there, well I get a little bit annoyed when someone randomly tries to add me. Like I would like to get to know a person, find out their likes and dislikes, favorite bands, their name, and who they are before I add someone. Don't get mad that I don't respond to your friend request. Most of the time it's because I don't even know your name or what you're like.

I know this journal is short, so lastly I would like to leave you with a band I just discovered the other day. Introducing, Buried Beds

April 4th, 2012 at 06:35am