Writers Block

I have an idea for a new story I want to write, but I have no idea where to start with it. I almost want to start with the ending of the story, but it wouls flow more smoothly if i started from the beginging. Writers block is never fun. The short story I want to write is for a song-fiction meets band fiction contest. I'm writing a story to the song Roxanne and it's going to be an Avenged Sevenfold based story. I have abasic idea of what I would like to write, but I need a little more before I can start writing and this writers block is not helping ver much.

I think I might have writers block because I am really stressed out right now about a lot of things. I have been trying to find work for a few months now and no place in my little town is hiring. It's one of those towns that fit the saying "it's not what you know, it's who you know" type deal. Then there are places that are hiring, but require a lisence, something I do not have because it costs a little over $100 and that's something I don't have. I'm so frustrated.

I think I really messed my hand up yesturday. I was moving this bench and I must have turned my wrist weird because my hand is a little bit swollen and it and it hursts to bend it past a certain point, it also makes typing difficult.

I'm done complaining now.

The contest that I entered. So far there is only one other person that entered it besides me.

How is everyon's week going?
Are you ready for Easter?
What is your favourite part of Easter?
Do you have any Easter plans?

April 4th, 2012 at 03:54pm