
I don't know the next time I'll be able to get one. I have been our of school almost a whole week now and I'm still not better. My doctor is bringing me in in a couple of hours. I might, and probably, will end up in the hospital. My temperature keeps spiking up to 103 degrees and I've been vomiting. I'm really dizzy. I can't stand up all too well on my own. I am seeing white spots. I feel pain and cold through to my bones and muscles. I'm also 34 pounds underweight. My doctor can't tell me what's wrong with me. My body work is very very off though. And she thinks I might also be dehydrated and said if I don't drink and use the bathroom every six hours she will hospitalize me for that. Well all that combined looks to me like a very long trip to the hospital. I hate hospitals and they will put me on an IV. I don't want calories. Still though I have a bad feeling that my anorexia/bulimia may come out today. Wish me luck.
April 4th, 2012 at 06:43pm