Why do people have a problem with listening? Oh, sorry, it's just my family who has that problem.

Is it really that much of a problem for you to take five minutes of your time and listen to what I am saying for a change. Can I not talk to my family without screaming to get their attention? No.

Because all of them see fit to shove their heads up their asses and hum loudly. Though before I start this rant, I have to say that it's not my parents that I am really mad at, they listen most of the time, it's my siblings. My dumb siblings who all just say shut up to me or call me names on a regular basis. Oh, if that wasn't enough? I get blamed for shit that they've done. Like getting the kitchen done or they locked themselves out of the house. Let's ask that when I have work to do or I am sleeping because I'm working the next night.

I am supposed to drop everything and do everything for them and yet I can't get them to listen? Fuck this. I am at my wits end. I am tired of bending over and just taking this. I am tired and the fighting like three year olds. Well, they can just fuck themselves. I've had it.

And a nice note to my siblings themselves:

To my sister, you've dated how many guys and you don't call it dating? Slut. I bet you'll end up pregnant or get an STD by sixteen. And when you do, I won't be there to help you.

To my youngest brother, not everything revolves around you and sometimes it doesn't hurt to actually pay attention to something besides yourself.

To my oldest brother, autism is not an excuse to be lazy or an asshole.

Have a nice freakin' day.
April 4th, 2012 at 10:20pm