I'll grab yo boobies if you grab my nuts...

I cannot describe. Words...I can't. This week has been insane.

I've actually had a really awesome week. Three days in a row, that's gotta be a record.

We've started choreographing our district and spring performance and since I'm one of the smaller girls, I do a lot of lifts. The guy I do most of the lifts with is pretty awesome. We get along really well, which makes it hilarious. We have to do a lift where the girl does a flip and ends up basically planking on the guy's shoulder and they spin in a circle. That probably made no sense. It's some kind of country swing move or something, but I call it a helicopter. ANYWAY, it's really hard to stay balanced because once the guy starts spinning he lets go so the girl has to balance on his shoulder.

At first it was really awkward because every time I'd start to fall he'd push me back up and sometimes he'd grab my boobs in the process. I didn't have a problem with it (since it kept me from falling on my face), but one time as I fell I reached down to push off his chest and hit him between the legs. We both started laughing so hard that we fell on the floor and couldn't get up for like five minutes. The whole point of the title was that we were sitting at lunch and I apologized for assaulting him, and he said, "I'll grab yo boobies if you grab my nuts." Commence the giggling and lack of eye contact.


I've done just that lift about twenty times a day for the last three days. I'm so sore it's not even funny xD

The other part that made this week so great was that yesterday at play practice, we got paired with our "studs" that carry us off stage at the end. The guy I've been crushing on forever was one of the studs, so I was both excited and a little depressed because I knew he'd never pick me.

At the very end of practice the guys came on stage and did their dance (to Sexy and I Know It, no less) and the studs jumped off stage to get their girls. We didn't know that they'd picked yet, so we figured we'd all run off stage and pick later.


The guys jumped down, picked us up, and ran off through the audience. And guess who picked me up! If you guess le crush, you are correct.

It was so sweet too, because after he picked me up he was like, "I hope this is okay, I called dibs on you before anyone else could."

Me on the inside:


But on the outside:


Actually I said, "Yeah, as long as you don't drop me."

I am so f*cking romantic.

Is it possible that he likes me? Do I have a chance at happiness?
What is this black magic?!
April 5th, 2012 at 04:05am